Policy Sold Form Policy Sold Form When a sales agent sells an insurance policy, they must fill out this form Agent Name(Required)Do you promise that you filled this form our accurately?(Required)When you do important things like this, you must not mindlessly click on buttons. If you answer yes to this question, then you are indicating that every single answer is accurate. If there is a question and if the answer is complicated or N/A, if there is not a box to accommodate your answer, speak with Jared immediately. He can update the form, then you can proceed to complete it.Client Name(Required)What is the lead source for this client?(Required)Email(Required) Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Which policies did you sell? Auto HO3 Umbrella DP3 HO6 HO4 Landlord Condo Mobile Home or Manufactured Home Motorcycle, ATV or E-bike Surplus Lines policy Vacant home or Fix & Flip Boat, Motorhome, RV Are there any other policies that you sold that do not have checkboxes in the prior question?For each policy that you sold, which company did you sell it with? (Type the policy type and the company, make it very clear)If you sold both home and auto, type N/A. If you didn't sell both home and auto, why not? Did they only allow us to quote one? Did we quote both but they only wanted one? What is the situation?It is SUPER IMPORTANT that we sell both home AND auto to a person. They will stay with us as a client MUCH LONGER if we do both. For clients whom we sell only one policy, we need to figure out what is going on. Did you submit an Agent of Record change?YesNoIf Agent of Record Change: This is very technical and confusing. Every company does an Agent of Record differently. 1) Did you read the rules below? 2) Did you look up the company's Agent of Record rules in KB and are you following them perfectly? (NOTE: Never submit a Travelers agent of record in the middle of the term).When you send an Agent of Record to the company, you need to move it in AZ to “said yes.” You can’t mark it as ‘sold’ until: 1) the policy is officially transferred to us, 2) you have confirmed that it is eligible, 3) you review our recommended coverages with them.Next stepsDid you send the client the "explanation of benefits" document to sign in Docusign?NoYesREAD THIS CAREFULLY: Every time you sell a policy, you must have this signed. Every time you sell an auto policy, you need to tell the client that we recommend at least 250/500 and an umbrella policy.Did you create an activity in AMS360 and did you use the template below?NoYesMy Name: -I submitted an insurance policy. Client name: Insurance company name: Effective date: Is this a new policy to us or did you switch it to one of our other insurance companies?Did you put the referral source in AMS360 in the Profile Question section?NoYesDid you send the confirmation email to the client, and did you take the time to make sure that it was accurate?NoYesEvery time you start any insurance policy for a client, you must send the confirmation email. Just customize it for each situation. Did you submit a policy that we already insured for the client? (In other words, did you do an insurance review for a policy that we insured, and did you start it with a different company?)NoYesInsurance Review, moved from one company to another: Which insurance company did you move them from and which insurance company did you move them to?Did you submit a Travelers HO3, DP3, HO6 or Landlord Condo in Colorado?YesNoTravelers Production Limit Warning!!!I put the home on the list. There is a spot for this home and all is good.Other: For any other choice, call Jared immediately.We can only sell a LIMITED NUMBER of Travelers HO3, DP3, HO6, Landlord Condo policies (only Colorado counts with this). If we sell one more than this limit, we can LOSE OUR ABILITY TO SELL TRAVELERS for 3 months. very bad! Please please please be smart about this! (I know that you will be!) Here is a link to the list: https://ullrichinsurance.sharepoint.com/:x:/r/sites/ResourcesDocuments/_layouts/15/Doc2.aspx?action=edit&sourcedoc=%7Baa020fb2-5740-484b-8bf6-6412048fb46e%7D&wdOrigin=TEAMS-MAGLEV.teamsSdk_ns.rwc&wdExp=TEAMS-TREATMENT&wdhostclicktime=1710876393498&web=1&CID=80F11A90-2688-4603-83D4-4D68EF0F85CE&wdLOR=cDC01E6F0-B505-43F8-A766-525F79D950A6Replaced an insurance policy with a new one with a different companyDid you make sure that the old insurance policy is cancelled?NoYesSomeone else is going to cancel the old policy. I will 100% make sure they do this. I have already sent them the request.Did the client move to a new address?NoYesDid you change the address in AMS and in every single other insurance policy they have with us?NoYes, I personally changed the addresses in every policy AND AMS360I asked someone else to do it. I will 100% make sure that they do this.If a client has a new address, then it is CRITICAL to change the address in AMS and also in every insurance policy that we have for them. Don’t miss this!Did you make a detailed note in AMS about the situation?NoYesScheduled Personal Property: Did the old HO3 policy have scheduled property? (Look VERY CLOSELY at this, don't life and just say no!)No, I looked at the home policy in AMS and it doesn't have scheduled propertyYes, the prior home policy does have scheduled propertyNOTE: It is VERY EASY to miss this. There was a time that we messed up in the past. The person had scheduled jewelry but we forgot to add it on the new policy during the insurance review. ALERT, Scheduled Property! The prior home policy had scheduled property. Did you add it to the new home insurance policy that you started!Auto InsuranceAuto Red Flags: check all that apply Does a driver drive for Uber, Lyft, Doordash or any delivery? Is there any custom equipment on a vehicle that was added after it was manufactured? Is there a vehicle that is titled in the name of a business or some other name other than our client? Is there anyone else who lives in the home who has a drivers license who is NOT listed as a driver? Does a driver drive for Uber, Lyft, Doordash or any delivery? Is there any custom equipment on a vehicle that was added after it was manufactured? Is there a vehicle that is titled in the name of a business or some other name other than our client? Is there anyone else who lives in the home who has a drivers license who is NOT listed as a driver?Auto: To sign the Company Application Documents, did you do the company's e-signature process or are you getting the application signed yourself via Docusign?The company's e-signature processI am sending them the app via Docusign for them to signOther (If other, please explain)No company Docusign is automatic. You must click the correct buttons to make sure that Docusign works. Bristol West: Yes…..Acuity: Yes….Travelers: No…. Safeco: Yes….Nationwide: Yes…Progressive: Yes American Modern: Yes…..Foremost: No Personal Umbrella: No…..RLI: Yes….. Allstate: Yes Auto: E-signature confirmation: You indicated that you used the company's e-signature process. Are you sure that you did this correctly? (Keep in mind that you have to click the correct buttons to make sure that the company does e-signatures. If you don't do this, then we will need to get the signatures by default)Yes, I am sure that I clicked the correct buttons to set up the company e-signatureI'm not 100% sure if I clicked on the correct buttons, I'm not sure how to do itNo, I did not click on the correct buttonsAuto: Did you sell a car that has no comp or collision coverage?NoYesAuto: For every car without Collision, did you add UMPD to the vehicle?NoYesEvery vehicle without Collision MUST have UMPD. We don’t even ask them, we just add them. It is inexpensive and so important!Auto red flag: Uber, etc. Did you make sure that the policy is written correctly and has all correct endorsements, etc?NoYesAuto red flag: Custom Equipment: Did you make sure that the custom equipment is added properly?NoYesThe client doesn't want the custom equipment coverage AND they know that it isn't covered for sure!Auto red flag: vehicle titled in a name other than the client, did you make sure that the policy is written correctly as it is now?NoYesThe client doesn't want the custom equipment coverage AND they know that it isn't covered for sure!Auto red flag: Other people with drivers license living in the home. Are you sure that the policy is written correctly?NoYesThe client doesn't want the custom equipment coverage AND they know that it isn't covered for sure!Auto: Did you happen to insure a camper van?NoYesCamper vans are crazy to insure. Did they get a van and did they customize it and turn it into a camper van themselves? NOTE: You are probably doing this wrong if yes. Talk with Jared about this for sure, ASAPWARNING: If you sold a camper van, it is very easy to mess it up. Is this a situation where they bought a van and customized it themselves? If yes, call Jared IMMEDIATELY. Most insurance companies are not okay with this. See the notes below this question for more questions.1) Is this a camper where they bought a van and customized it and turned it into a camper? 2) Did you insure the vehicle as Agreed Value? You must do this every time you insure a camper van.Auto: Did you look closely at the red flags and make sure that the policy is written correctly for ALL of them?NoYesAuto: Is there an excluded driver?NoYes(SIGNED ULLRICH DISCLAIMER REQUIRED) Auto: Did you send the client the "Ullrich Excluded Driver disclaimer form" for them to sign, via Docusign? Also, did you read the disclaimer to them?NoYesWhen we exclude a driver, it opens us up to an E&O insurance claim. We MUST explain the disclaimer to the client and have them sign it.(TRAILING CARRIER DOCUMENTS REQUIRED) Excluded Driver: The insurance company needs their specific company exclusion form filled out and signed and sent to them. If you did e-signature with them, then all is good. Just type "e-signature." If you didn't do e-signature then did you send this form to them for them to sign via Docusign?-If the company doesn’t get their signed exclusion form from us, then they might add the driver back on. If you did the company’s e-signature then they will already automatically have this, so we are okay.Auto: Did you look at the coverage guide and make sure that the policy has all the coverages.NoYesAuto: Is there a vehicle on "comprehensive only" coverage?NoYes(SIGNED ULLRICH DISCLAIMER REQUIRED) Auto: Did you send the "Ullrich Insurance comp only" disclaimer form for them to sign via Docusign? Also, did you read the disclaimer to them?NoYesAuto: Did the driver exclude Medical Payments coverage?NoYes(SIGNED ULLRICH DISCLAIMER REQUIRED) Auto: Did you send the "Ullrich Medical Payments Rejection Form disclaimer form" for them to sign, via Docusign? Also, did you read the disclaimer to them?NoYesEvery time a client rejects Medical Payments, you must #1) read the Ullrich disclaimer to them and #2) have them sign it.(TRAILING CARRIER DOCUMENTS REQUIRED) Rejected Med Pay: The insurance company needs their specific company exclusion form filled out and signed and sent to them. If you did e-signature with them, then all is good. Just type "e-signature." If you didn't do e-signature then did you send this form to them for them to sign via Docusign?This is extremely important to do. NOTE: If the client rejected Med Pay or UMBI, if you used the company’s e-sign program, then they will have this already. Just make a note of it in the box. Auto: Did the driver reject UMBI OR did you sign them up with a lower limit of UMBI than their Bodily Injury limit?NoYes**This is new! A client must sign the UMBI Rejection/Reduction disclaimer form if 1) they reject the coverage OR 2) they have less UMBI coverage than Bodily Injury(SIGNED ULLRICH DISCLAIMER REQUIRED) Auto: Did you send the "Ullrich UMBI Rejection/Reduction Form" for them to sign, via Docusign? Also, did you read the disclaimer to them?NoYes**This is new! A client must sign the UMBI Rejection/Reduction disclaimer form if 1) they reject the coverage OR 2) they have less UMBI coverage than Bodily Injury(TRAILING CARRIER DOCUMENTS REQUIRED) Rejected UMBI: The insurance company needs their specific company exclusion form filled out and signed and sent to them. If you did e-signature with them, then all is good. Just type "e-signature." If you didn't do e-signature then did you send this form to them for them to sign via Docusign?This is extremely important to do. NOTE: If the client rejected Med Pay or UMBI, if you used the company’s e-sign program, then they will have this already. Just make a note of it in the box. Auto: Did the client choose bodily injury limits of 25/50 or 50/100NoYes(SIGNED ULLRICH DISCLAIMER REQUIRED) Auto: Did you send the "Ullrich Disclaimer: 25/50 or 50/100 limits" disclaimer to the client for them to Docusign? Also, did you read the disclaimer to them?NoYesYou must BOTH read it to them AND have them sign it.Auto Telematics: Did you sign them up for Telematics?NoYesAuto Telematics: Are you 100% sure that you explained Telematics to them, and are they okay with it?NoYesIn the past, we sold telematics to a person and we forgot to even tell them about telematics. It didn’t end well!Auto: UMBI. Did you sell a policy where the UMBI is LOWER than the BI?Yes, the BI is HIGHER than the UMBINo, the limit for BI and UMBI are the sameThere is a new state law that says that if we sell a policy with the BI limit HIGHER than the UMBI, then we need to get a special form signed. If we don’t get the form signed, then we are in big trouble. That new form is in Docusign.ULLRICH DISCLAIMER SIGNATURE REQUIRED: You indicated that the BI limit is higher than the UMBI limit, therefore you must have the insured sign the form in Docusign templates called "When UMBI is different than BI." Did you have the insured sign this form?Yes, they signed the formNo, they didn't sign the form (This is not acceptable, you must have them sign it really quick, then click yes)There is a new state law that says that if we sell a policy with the BI limit HIGHER than the UMBI, then we need to get a special form signed. If we don’t get the form signed, then we are in big trouble. That new form is in Docusign.HO3 InsuranceHO3: To sign the Company Application Documents, did you do the company's e-signature process or are you getting the application signed yourself via Docusign?I am using the company's e-signature processI am going to get the application signed via DocusignOtherNo company Docusign is automatic. You must click the correct buttons to make sure that Docusign works. Bristol West: Yes…..Acuity: Yes….Travelers: No…. Safeco: Yes….Nationwide: Yes…Progressive: Yes American Modern: Yes…..Foremost: No Personal Umbrella: No…..RLI: Yes….. Allstate: Yes HO3: E-signature confirmation: You indicated that you used the company's e-signature process. Are you sure that you did this correctly? (Keep in mind that you have to click the correct buttons to make sure that the company does e-signatures. If you don't do this, then we will need to get the signatures by default)Yes, I am sure that I clicked the correct buttons to set up the company e-signatureI'm not 100% sure if I clicked on the correct buttons, I'm not sure how to do itNo, I did not click on the correct buttonsHO3: Did you make sure that the policy has all the coverages and coverage limits from the coverage guide?NoYesNOTE: Service Line, Leakage/Seepage and Extended Replacement must be maxed out to the maximum coverage limit offeredHO3: What type of roof is it?HO3: What year was the roof last replaced?HO3: Which one does the roof have, Replacement Cost or Actual Cash Value?Replacement CostActual Cash valueLook closely at the insurance policy and make sure that you are DEFINITELY putting accurate information into this box. Don’t glaze over this one. This is VERY IMPORTANT. Some companies are automatically ACV when the roof is a certain number of years old. Allstate roofs are ACV when they are 10 years old.(SIGNED ULLRICH DISCLAIMER REQUIRED) ACTUAL CASH VALUE ROOF: You sold a home with an ACV roof. 1) Did you read the Ullrich Insurance ACV roof disclaimer to the client and 2) Did you send it to them for them to Docusign?It is okay to sell a homeowners insurance policy with an ACV roof ONLY IF you read the Ullrich Insurance ACV Roof disclaimer to the client AND have them sign it.HO3: Double check this now…..Did you 100% make sure that the home has Replacement Cost coverage on the roof?NoYesMost companies now offer an ACV option and it is sometimes hard to know if you sold an ACV or a Replacement Cost policy. That is why we need to be very detailed with this!HO3: What is the limit for Service Line coverage that you have the policy?We must MAX OUT this coverage every single time. HO3: What is the limit for Extended Replacement Coverage that you have for the policy?We must MAX OUT this coverage every single time. HO3: Did you submit an Allstate HO3?NoYesAllstate HO3: If you started an Allstate home, did you confirm the following: 1) The yard is cleaned up and there is no debris around the exterior of the home, 2) There is no damage on the exterior of the home, 3) There was never an insurance claim when the client took the money but did not repair the damage.NoYesHO3: Did you submit a Foremost HO3?YesNoForemost and American Modern are truly unique…these can be terrible policies if we click on the wrong endorsements!WARNING: Foremost home: It is EASY to accidentally sell the home as an ACV home or roof. You must look VERY CLOSELY at this. Are you 100000% sure that the home AND the roof are Replacement Cost?HO3: Did you submit an American Modern HO3?YesNoForemost and American Modern are truly unique…these can be terrible policies if we click on the wrong endorsements!WARNING: Am Mod HO3: It is EASY to accidentally sell the home as an ACV home or roof. You must look VERY CLOSELY at this. Are you 100000% sure that the home AND the roof are Replacement Cost?HO6HO6: To sign the Company Application Documents, did you do the company's e-signature process or are you getting the application signed yourself via Docusign?I am using the company's e-signature processI am going to get the application signed via DocusignOtherNo company Docusign is automatic. You must click the correct buttons to make sure that Docusign works. Bristol West: Yes…..Acuity: Yes….Travelers: No…. Safeco: Yes….Nationwide: Yes…Progressive: Yes American Modern: Yes…..Foremost: No Personal Umbrella: No…..RLI: Yes….. Allstate: YesHO6: E-signature confirmation: You indicated that you used the company's e-signature process. Are you sure that you did this correctly? (Keep in mind that you have to click the correct buttons to make sure that the company does e-signatures. If you don't do this, then we will need to get the signatures by default)Yes, I am sure that I clicked the correct buttons to set up the company e-signatureI'm not 100% sure if I clicked on the correct buttons, I'm not sure how to do itNo, I did not click on the correct buttonsHO6: Did you check the coverage guide and make sure they have the recommended coverages?NoYesHO6: Did you present the $25k and $50k Loss Assessment options to the client?NoYesWhat is the Loss Assessment limit that you put onto the policy?Ideally, we recommend $50,000. $25,000 is the minimum allowed.Landlord CondoLandlord Condo: Sign the new business application. The companies don't do e-signature for Landlord condos.I am sure that the company does e-signature and I am positive that I did it correctlyI did Docusign myselfLandlord Condo: What is the Loss Assessment limit that you put onto the policy?Ideally, we recommend $50,000. $25,000 is the minimum allowed.Landlord Condo: Did you check the coverage guide and make sure they have the recommended coverages?NoYesLandlord Condo: Did you present the $25k and $50k Loss Assessment options to the client?NoYesLandlord Condo: Did you mention Loss of Rental Income to them and are they okay with the amount on the policy?NoYesLandlord Condo: Is this a short term rental?NoYesLandlord Condo: Did you give the policy the short term rental endorsement and are you 100% sure that it is written correctly?NoYesManufactured/Mobile HomeManufactured Home: Sign the new business application. The companies don't do e-signature for Manufactured/Mobile HomesI am sure that the company does e-signature and I am positive that I did it correctlyI did Docusign myselfManufactured/Mobile Home: Did you check the coverage guide and did you give them all coverages that we recommend?NoYes(SIGNED DISCLAIMER REQUIRED) Manufactured/Mobile Home: Did you read the disclaimer to the client and did you send it to them for them to Docusign?NoYesBecause you sold a Manufactured/Mobile Home, you need to have the client e-sign the Disclaimer and you must read it to them.Vacant home/Fix & FlipVacant home/fix&flip: Sign the new business application. The companies most likely don't do e-signatures for these.I am sure that the company does e-signature and I am positive that I did it correctlyI did Docusign myself(SIGNED DISCLAIMER REQUIRED) Vacant home/Fix & Flip: Did you read the Vacant home/Fix & Flip disclaimer to the client and did you also send it to them so they could sign it via Docusign?NoYesBecause you sold a vacant home/fix & flip, you need to have the client e-sign the disclaimer.Vacant home/Fix & Flip: Did you read the coverage guide carefully and did you add all coverages?NoYesSurplus LinesSurplus Lines: Sign the new business application. The companies most likely don't do e-signatures for these.I am sure that the company does e-signature and I am positive that I did it correctlyI did Docusign myself(SIGNED DISCLAIMER REQUIRED) Surplus Lines: Did you #1) Read the Ullrich Surplus Lines Disclaimer to the client and 2) send it to the client for them to Docusign?NoYesWhich Surplus Lines broker did you write this with? (Name of broker and company)Why exactly was this written with Surplus Lines? Did you confirm that nobody else would take it?Looking at the insurance policy, is the structure of the home covered on a "Named Perils" or an "Open Perils" basis?Did you ask the Surplus Lines broker what all the restrictions are with water damage, and did you tell this to the client? Tell me about any restrictions for water damage:Will there be a time when this insurance policy could be written with a standard company? If yes, when do you think that would be possible? Did you create a task in Agency Zoom for that future date?Does the RPS home policy has a "wildfire exclusion" endorsement? Look closely!If Surplus Lines quotes a home in the mountains, they might add the wildfire exclusion, so it would not be covered if there is a wildfire. Check closely to see if it is in there!Boat, Motorhome, RVBoat/Motorhome/RV: Sign the new business application. The companies most likely don't do e-signatures for these.I am sure that the company does e-signature and I am positive that I did it correctlyI did Docusign myselfBoat, Motorhome, RV: Are you sure that you gave it "Agreed Value" and not any other type of coverage?When we insure a boat, motorhome or RV, we need to make sure that it has agreed value.Boat, Motorhome, RV: Did you check the coverage guide and make sure that you have all necessary coverages and endorsements?DP3DP3: Sign the new business application. The companies most likely don't do e-signatures for these.I am sure that the company does e-signature and I am positive that I did it correctlyI did Docusign myselfDP3: Did you review Loss of Rental Income coverage with them and do we have enough?YesNoDP3: Is the property a short term rental?YesNoDP3 Short Term Rental: Did you give it the short term rental endorsements and are you sure that you wrote this correctly?YesNoDP3: Did you 100% make sure that the home has Replacement Cost coverage on the roof?NoYesMost companies now offer an ACV option and it is sometimes hard to know if you sold an ACV or a Replacement Cost policy. That is why we need to be very detailed with this!UmbrellaUmbrella: Sign the new business application. The companies most likely don't do e-signatures for these.I am sure that the company does e-signature and I am positive that I did it correctlyI did Docusign myselfUmbrella: Did you teach them that the only way that anything with a motor (including an e-bike) can be covered by the umbrella is if it is specifically listed?NoYesThere are a lot of misconceptions about umbrella policies. If you forgot to tell them about this, you can call or email them and tell them now.Umbrella: If there is anything with motor (motorcycle, boat, etc) that is added to the umbrella, do you have the dec page for that and did you confirm that it has the minimum required (250/500 or 500) liability coverage?N/A. There is nothing else with a motorNoYesWe have to confirm this! If they have an underlying policy with too low of liability coverage, they need to increase it and get the updated dec page to us