Insurance Review Delivered Form Insurance review delivered Instructions #1The USA agent needs to not take TP’s word for it when it comes to 1) if it is an NBO, or 2) if we should move the client. The Team USA agent is a licensed insurance agent and needs to use their special skills and experience to make sure that the plan is correct. Instructions #2TP finishes the quotes, Team USA decides what is the best option for the client (look at coverages, deductibles, benefits, ACV/Replacement cost, etc) -TP must complete a NBO checklist for everyone unless they think that it is a “slam dunk” that we move the client. -If Team USA sees an insurance review without an NBO checklist, that needs one, then they can tell TP “Hey, I know that you thought that we don’t need an NBO checklist for this one, but please make it.” Team USA is the authority on this subject. For a NBO, the agent must go down the NBO checklist and hit all the major points. Instructions #3:1) Read the special notes and instructions on the insurance review form. 2) Make sure that we have the correct roof year and type on the insurance policy. 3) If we know if any red flags for their situation, make sure that they are still eligible with their current insurance company. Go through each of the sections on this form carefully.Today's dateYour nameName of clientHow did you present the insurance review to the client?Maybe you created a Loom video and emailed it to them, maybe you had a conversation on the phone….just type the details here of what you did.Which policies did you review with the client? HO3 Auto HO4 HO6 DP3 Landlord Condo RV/Camper Motorcycle/Boat/ATV/E-Bike NOTES: Look at the notes section in the insurance review form. What were some specific instructions/requests that they had? Did you take care of them?Was it a NBO or did you recommend that they change companies or both? It was a solid No Better Option I recommend that we change them to a new company A combination of NBO and recommendation that we change…they have to choose If you recommended that we change them to a new company, did you review their current insurance policies with them, or did you not?(NOTE: If it ends up that they stay with the company that they have now, you need to confirm that their current policy is correct. You will need to re-fill out this form and click on “A combination of NBO and recommendation that we change” and you have to answer the questions to make sure their current policies are good.)Which policies does this person insure with us?MONOLINE CLIENT ALERT! Did you try VERY HARD to convince them to allow us to look at their other policy? Tell me details here.It is EASY to convince people to allow us to look at BOTH policies….if we explain it correctly. It benefits them SO MUCH to allow us to try to bundle home and auto together!Reminder: If you ever make a policy change for a current client, you must 1) make a detailed activity in AMS of exactly what you did, 2) send an email to the client, telling them about the change that you made. (You can drag the sent email into the activity in AMS). Can you keep this in mind if you ever make a policy change?HO3Travelers Home: If you suggested that we move their home to Travelers, did you confirm that we have an opening with Travelers (based upon our maximum limit of homes that we can write with Travelers each month)?If we write more homes with Travelers than allowed, then we will lose access to write with Travelers. We must be VERY CAREFUL of this. HO3: Look at the old HO3 policy, is there scheduled personal property?NoYesNOTE: More than one time, we have accidentally done a requote for someone and moved them to a different company…..but the old policy had scheduled jewelry and the new policy didn’t have it. We need to carefully check this every time!HO3: SCHEDULED PROPERTY: You indicated that there is scheduled property. Did you include this in your insurance review? (We are trying to not schedule jewelry on a homeowners insurance policy anymore, but write a Jewelers Mutual policy. It is VERY EASY to quote and it is better for the client)NOTE: It is easy to accidentally FORGET to put scheduled jewelry on the new homeowners insurance policy. Please don’t forget this!HO3: What year roof is on the insurance policy?HO3: 1) What year did they TELL US that the roof was replaced, during the insurance review interview. 2) Is this same or different than what is on the insurance policy? 3) If different, did you update the insurance policy with the updated year?NOTE: If the roof has been replaced more recently than the year on the insurance policy, we need to update the insurance policy ASAP. This is important.HO3: Is the roof Replacement Cost or is it ACVReplacement CostACV/Payment ScheduleI'm not sureTeam Paradise must look this up and put this information onto the NBO checklist. Make sure that this information is on there. If this information is not on the NBO checklist, then tell Jared & Makayla and also you will need to look it up.(DISCLAIMER REQUIRED) HO3: If the roof is ACV, then we must have the client sign the Ullrich ACV roof disclaimer and you must read it to them. Did you do this?NBO QuestionsNBO: Was a NBO checklist prepared for the client? (See note below)A NBO checklist should be prepared by Team Paradise for every insurance review. If you see one without a NBO checklist, let Makayla know FOR SURE.NBO: Did this client do Telematics? If yes, if they got a very small discount, they can maybe do it again. If they didn't do Telematics, did you tell them about it and figure out if it would be good for them?Keep in mind that if you add Telematics mid-term, Travelers and Progressive don’t give an initial discount immediately when they sign up. You just have to understand how Telematics works. Let Jared or Makayla know if you need more information. NBO: Did you review different deductible options with the client?NBO: Did you review the company benefits with the client?NBO: Did you really try to build the value that Ullrich Insurance Agency provides for them?Did you LOOK CLOSELY at the NBO checklist and their dec page to make sure that they have the correct coverages (HO3: 1) service line, 2) extended replacement coverage maxed out, 3) Leakage & Seepage maxed out, HO6: 1) Loss Assessment at least $25,000, 3) Auto: If they don't have telematics then offer it to them)HO6HO6: Look very closely at the HO6. What is the Loss Assessment limit on the policy?Less than $25,000Between $25,000 and $49,000$50,000 or moreHO6: Warning! The Loss Ass is less than $25,000. You must HIGHLY recommend that they increase it to $25,000 at worst or $50,000 at best. Did you do this and how did it go?AutoAuto: TELEMATICS. Look closely at the NBO checklist. Did all the drivers do TelematicsYes, all drivers did TelematicsSome but not all drivers did TelematicsNone of the drivers did TelematicsAuto: TELEMATICS. A driver didn't do Telematics! Did you explain it to them, and what did they say?Every auto insurance company is going to sell people on this. If we don’t try to get them on Telematics, then they will get a lower quote somewhere else where they have it. You need to be able to explain it well.Auto: Did you have a good, logical conversation with them about their auto deductibles, and did you give them options? How did that go?You need to be able to have this conversation. Use the scripts that Jared provides.DP3DP3: Does the DP3 have ACV or Replacement Cost coverage on the roof?ACVReplacement CostYou must specifically look for this information and don’t guess!DP3: DISCLAIMER REQUIRED, ACV roof! If they are going to keep the ACV roof, you must 1) read the disclaimer to them, 2) have them sign it. Did you read it to them and did you send it to them to sign? How did you send it and what is the status of this?Boat, ATV, RVA boat, ATV and RV all need to have AGREED VALUE coverage on them. Please specifically look at the policy to see if it has AGREED VALUE or something else. What kind of coverage does it have? If not Agreed Value, did you get a quote for how much it would change it to Agreed Value, and did you review it with the client? Tell us how it went.Landlord CondoLandlord Condo: Look very closely at the HO6. What is the Loss Assessment limit on the policy?Less than $25,000Between $25,000 and $49,000$50,000 or moreLandlord Condo: Warning! The Loss Ass is less than $25,000. You must HIGHLY recommend that they increase it to $25,000 at worst or $50,000 at best. Did you do this and how did it go?Untitled