Adding Solar Panels Adding Solar Panels Congradulations on putting solar panels on your house! Fill out this form so we can update your home owner's insuarance. When you fill out this form, the information will be sent to an agent at Ullrich Insurance. We will let you know when we have an update. Keep in mind that no changes of your insurance policy are completed until you have received confirmation from us that it is completed. This is very important for you to know. Call us anytime if you have any questions about this.Your name First and Last name. Your best email address Your best phone number Are the panels leased or owned?LeasedOwnedHow much approximately are they worth?Are they located on the roof? Yes No How many Panels are there?When were they installed? (Approximately) MM slash DD slash YYYY Were they installed by a certified solar contractor? Yes No Is there a Warranty? Yes No How long is the Warranty? Is there an easily accessible exterior shut off for the panels? Yes No Who is responsible for the maintenance for the solar panels? (Cleaning, snow removal, damage, etc.) Do they convert sunlight into electricity? (photovoltaic) OR are they used to heat water? Photovoltaic Used to heat water What is the approximate square footage of all panels?